Shapeshifter / Sprouting gestures started from a speculation of a body that sustains itself by changing its format and formation adapting fluently and repeatedly to its needs and surroundings, a (self-)sustaining citizen.

Through altering its functions, shapes and surfaces it is perfectly synchronised and in constant dialogue with the outside.
It became a shifting bodily image manoeuvring through analogue and digital, motion and stopmotion.

Speculative  design questioning the body and its needs in the society. what if the skin can sustain its necessaties such as food, shelter, cloths and warmth?
what would happen to the city and the citizen?

Stop Motion Video ( 2:30 min, Performer: Verena Herterich); Wood-glue, Watercolour, Organic Material, Latex sheet, Metal strings

Team> Verena Herterich & Nazgol Sobhani
Special thanks to Charly Sizer
Photo Credits> Milena Nowak , Charly Sizer

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